Post A: a day of waste

A normal Sunday, woke up at around 11am, skipped breakfast which saved the waste of a meal but wasted a whole morning. I kept the water flowing when I was brushing my teeth. Then I toasted 2 slices of bread spreading with Nutella and banana cut into pieces for brunch and ended up with half slice left and tossed the leftover and banana peels in the trash. After finished the meal, I was going to do some uni stuff but couldn’t stop browsing facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram and repeated in circle. In the meanwhile, the lights were on because the curtain was pulled down even in the daylight. I was trying to draw some illustration on my sketchbook wasted a few pages but still didn’t get a satisfied result. Time passed so quickly and it was so easy to waste the whole afternoon. Then I went out for dinner with my flat mates. I was so hungry that I thought I could eat pounds of burger so I ordered a lot but barely finished. And I wasted lots of issues when I was having food. I took away the leftover but forgot it in the fridge until it went bad then I threw it away.

Here I choose the banana peel as an example to visualize the cycle of its life via illustration. LIFE CYCLE OF BANANA.png

Banana peel comes from a banana and bananas come from banana trees obviously. But how does a banana tree come from? Through the research I found out bananas do not grow from a seed but from a bulb or rhizome and it is a perennial plant that replaces itself. The trees sprout from underground rootstalks that rise horizontally from a mature banana tree. Bananas sprout from the female flowers, which are sprouted from the trees, without pollination. The time between planting a banana tree and the fruitage of the banana bunch is from 9 to 12 months and then those bunches of bananas will be sent to retailers and markets. Most of people eat bananas and toss the peels in the trash. However, banana peel has a lot of benefits and it is eco-friendly.

remains of banana yellow peel

It can be used as compost, fertilizer for your garden and feed for seedlings and livestock like chickens, rabbits and pigs. According to a article posted by Janice Taylor, peels add potassium and phosphorus to compost which promote root development and overall plant health when incorporated into garden soil. And also it is the perect feed of seedlings. Just chop up banana peels and bury one or two small pieces in the dirt at the bottom of planting holes or seed starting containers to give your young plants a boost of nutrients that will also aid in root development and disease resistance.



Abracos,E., 2011, “How bananas are grown”, BnanaLink, viewed 10 June 2016, <;

Tilden E.,2015, “life cycle of banana plants”, eHOW, viewed 10 June 2016, <;

Taylor, J., 2014, “16 Ingenius Ways to Re-use Banana Peels”, Natural Living Ideas, viewed 10 June 2016, <;

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