Post C- Manage the waste

Why is Organic Management Important?

Organic waste management is very important to sustain the environment and should be acted upon by everyone.  “recycling of animal and urban organic waste for fertilisation of agricultural soils affects soil and plants by increasing nutrient levels, aggregation, biological activity and reducing bulk density” (Haynes & Naidu, 1998)  If organic matter is not recycled the earth does not benefit. Paul Sewell mentions in his TED talk that not managing organic matter leads to” loss of farm land, loss of soil” (Ted Talk 2013) If organics are recycled the nutrients can be used to create a better soil and farm land.  Sewell discusses his business Harvest Power. They take organic matter and turn it into bio gas and organic fertilisers which they sell on their website.  He mentions that the biogas can be formed into CMG which can be used for transport – bus, trucks and cars. A big improvement to lessen green house gases if started world wide. Organic management is important to overall improve and sustain our environment. A company called HomeBiogas has created a product, example below, that creates organic matter into waste in your home.

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 10.32.12 pm.png(HomeBioGas 2015)


This is a domestic version of Sewells industry product. While it manages organic waste it also helps the household with saving energy which is saving money on bills has the biogas can be used for lighting, water heating and cooking. A great invention and keeps the organic management at a domestic level. To reuse in the one environment and cycle.

Government Examples:

Zero Waste, South Australia

South Australia has one of the best waste management in Australia “In 2010-11 79.9 per cent (4.3 million tonnes) of material was diverted from landfill in South Australia.” (Government of South Australia, n.d.) This is due to the new infrastructure, designs, time and programs put into their management systems, that clearly pays off. Their new organics infrastructure detects any non organics to dispose of before create compost. South Australia is the leading organics state in NSW.

Comparing a well established system to a rural NSW town, Bathurst. My home town of Bathurst  have only just implemented a organics waste bin to every household as of March 2016. With every green bin came a small compost bin for the household, as shown below.


(Compost bin for the household)

Bathurst has only received an organics waste bin this year, while other cities and towns have had them for over 5 years. This is proving that the NSW government is behind on organics management. As a town of 40,000 people and no organics bins until now. That is a lot of organics waste that could of been put towards something to benefit the environment.

Institutional Examples:

The Zoo of Victoria have implemented a well structured organics waste management scheme from recycling food to recycling enclosures. Their organic waste from food and animal dun is collected and created into soil that can be used around the zoo. This process is all done on site with a ‘hotrod’ machine as displayed in the video below.

They also have a worm farm and they recycle structures form their previous enclosures and resources around the zoo to create new enclosures. The zoo clearly has a good understand and approach to organic management. In relations to zoos I wanted to see how the comparison to Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

Taronga Zoo has a different tactic to organic waste. Their waste is processed offsite and not necessarily put back into the zoo but is still recycled. They work with SITA  to manage their organic waste. The video below goes through the process and outcomes.

Taronga Zoo also has a great organics management scheme. “The ongoing partnership (SITA) aims to implement strategies that maximise recycling and diversion of waste from landfill. During this period over 80% of general waste, 600 tonnes of animal waste, 100 tonnes of paper & cardboard and 100 tonnes of organic waste was successfully diverted from landfill at Taronga Zoo” (Annual Report 2014)


Annual Report 2013-2014, viewed 13 June 2016, <>

Bathurst Regional Council, food and garden waste, viewed 13 June 2016, <>

Government of South Australia, South Australia’s waste management capability, viewed 13 June 2016, <>

Haynes RJ & Naidu R (1998) Influence of lime, fertilizer and manure applications on soil organic matter content and soil physical conditions: a review. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys 51: 123–137.

Homebiogas 2015, viewed 13 June 2016, <>

NSW EPA, 2015, Organic Waste, Sydney South, Viewed 7th June 2016, <>


Taronga Conservation Society Australia, Waste Management, viewed 13 June 2016, <>

Victoria Zoo, waste management, viewed 2016, <>



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