Post B


Group Name:  Level Threes

Members: Sabrina, Hollie, Georgina, Stuart, Johnny

What are our ‘ground rules’?

  • Consistency
  • turning up on time
  • communicating well through facebook, contributing on assignments, giving feedback and opinions
  • Being vocal and voicing your opinions
  • Going through assignments together before turning it in
  • Complete assignments at / at least two days before due date

What will we do if a group member’s work doesn’t meet our standards?

Speak up assertively – going about it in a respectful way (guidance, giving advice, offer help).

What are our goals? What are we trying to accomplish?

To produce quality work in a cohesive environment.

How are we going to make decisions?

Consulting every member of the group – everyone gets to voice out their opinions and give feedback.

What skills, strengths and weaknesses do we have within our group?

  • Working well together along with good communication
  • Need to be more attentive
  • Keeping on top of dates
  • Staying on par and informing each other on new information / readings, etc

We agree with this charter and will try our best to uphold it.


As a team, we hired a private study space and began the process of designing our caddy by folding shapes with newspaper. Brainstorming ideas, we researched previous designs to see what was already out there. Coming up with multiple options, we were now aware of how many pages were necessary for thickness. A particular fold was deemed our most successful as we decided on a caddy design that utilizes a total of four pages.

The design was proven a success after each of our individual tests and experiments. In order to make our design readily available to the multi-cultural demographic of Australia, we’ve decided to exclude audio and subtitles to ease understanding. Allowing a user to apply this design in their own homes, our step-by-step graphics clearly indicates the caddy liner folding process.

We took photographs of distinct steps while filming our video. Applying these photographs to an instructional poster, we decided that photographs were the most clear and cater to a wider range of audiences. We also applied a street poster that could potentially influence the public to participate in utilizing this design in their own home, ultimately educating the community on organic waste.

Attempting to make our design as simple and as practical as possible, we are certain our caddy liner meets the needs of feasibility, sustainability and environmentally friendliness. Our group ultimately want to educate the community on organic waste throughout successful applications of visual communication sources.

Interdisciplinary design looks at many disciplines and categories at the same time. This approach can contribute to active organic waste solutions by looking at a project beyond its category and using intersections. Design can succeed in this field through communicating with the wider communities emotions and reasoning: “We’re experts at looking to the future.”

Creatives read about everything and are continually curious. In forming a solution to a problem, a designer becomes an artist. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, they train themselves to question all truths. By looking beyond the obvious, you have the capability to uncover a powerful solution.

Designers are critical in the management of organic waste through their combination of creative, technical and political solutions. A variety of disciplinaries maintain the ability to improve the design, construction and operation of organic waste. Identifying waste management solutions and programs, designers can education and sensitize correct waste disposal through a variety of their own strengths and focuses.

Design thinking is an overall mind-set that maintains specific methods that ultimately make significant contributions to the strengthening of systems. Centrally creating innovations to solve problems, design improves user orientation. Applying practise-driven methods, a designers contribution is vital through their ability to oppose established research methods. Necessary in providing varied solutions, their perspective ensures a wider exploration. This visualization and conflict with the norm assists in both the changing and inventing of new systems by means of methods and tools that are specific to interdisciplinary fields.


Petrovic, K. (2017). The Interdisciplinary Design Approach – HOW Design. [online] HOW Design. Available at: [Accessed 10 May 2017]. (2017). Design area 7 – Waste Management | EWB Challenge. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 May 2017].

Brenner, W. and Uebernickel, F. (2016). Design Thinking for Innovation. 1st ed. New York: Springer.

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